Studio Memberships

The path to a well-rounded musician

At A to G Piano Studio, we offer a membership format for our piano lessons. This allows our students to start easily at any time throughout the year. In addition to weekly lessons throughout the academic year, we also offer our members multiple performance and workshop opportunities year-round.


01 — Piano & Theory

Whether students attend group or private lessons, they will receive a mix of “off-the-page” and “on-the-page” learning. Watch your child expand their theory, aural, technique and rhythm skills each week!

There are 32 piano lessons from September through June. For conservatory memberships, theory is taught separately in 32 pre-recorded classes from September through June.

02 — Workshops

Students at A to G Piano Studio also get to attend up to three group workshops throughout the academic year. These workshops cover material that does not fit into our regular weekly lessons. We play theory games, improvise together, and learn to perform in front of others in a relaxed environment.

There are 3 workshops offered between September and June.

03 — Recitals

All students are invited to perform in studio recitals. The recitals are small, intimate affairs where students can build their performance skills and confidence.

There are two studio recitals that are typically held in December and June.

04 — Festivals

We also encourage piano students who have completed more than one year of lessons to perform in the Airdrie Rotary Festival of Performing Arts. Registration fees for festivals are the responsibility of the student.

05 — Exams

All Students at A to G Piano Studio are welcome to take piano exams with the Royal Conservatory of Music. Exams should always be a positive, rewarding experience, not something to be anxious about. Because of this, we encourage students to register for exams only after learning the skills and requirements needed to be successful at that skill level. Exam fees are the responsibility of the student.

06 — Summer Projects

We also offer students an independent summer project, in a pre-recorded weekly lesson format, for them to complete on their own over the months of July and August.

Contact us to share your music goals and start playing.